Five ways SMS is being used by charities

We’ve put together a quick read sharing a few simple ways SMS is being used by charities.

1. Fundraising

Charities often use SMS to run fundraising campaigns. Whether it’s sending donation appeals, updates on their fundraising progress, or reminders to potential donors, SMS makes it easy to engage with anyone who has expressed interest in the charity. Links to a donation page can also be sent via SMS and, if you’re based in South Africa, you can use a shortcode as an SMS donation line so that anyone can donate to the organisation by SMSing a specific word to the shortcode. Shark Spotters has been raising funds in this way for many years.

2. Event invitations and promotion

Charities often organise events, like charity runs, galas, or awareness campaigns and SMS is being used to promote these events. Invites, event details, RSVP requests, and reminders are sent to potential attendees. SMS can also be used to send directions, last-minute updates, and reminders, like Santa Shoebox does when they remind all donors where and when to drop their boxes off..

3. Volunteer recruitment and notifications

SMS is being used by charities to stay in touch with their volunteers and notify them about upcoming opportunities and events. SMSes can also be sent with event details, schedules, and instructions on how to get involved.

4. General updates and thank-you’s

SMS offers a great way to stay in touch with donors and supporters. Whether you need to send updates on your projects, share success stories, or inform donors about how their contributions are making a difference. Personalised messages can also be sent to donors thanking them for their contributions.

5. Advocacy and awareness

Charities use SMS to raise awareness about their causes and advocate for important issues. They send messages to interested recipients about the issues at hand, while encouraging them to take action (e.g., signing petitions).

SMS is an accessible and cost-effective tool for charities to communicate with their supporters and drive their mission. From communication with volunteers and staff to creating awareness around your cause, SMS can do it all.