BulkSMS.com recently announced its inclusion as a launch signatory of the new Trust in Enterprise Messaging (TEM) programme initiated by the global industry body, Mobile Ecosystem Forum (MEF).

The TEM programme, which is backed by an industry A2P SMS Code of Conduct for mobile network operators and service providers, aims to accelerate market clean-up and educate enterprise messaging solution buyers about the threats of fraudulent practices and poor procurement processes. In short, the TEM programme plans to foster business and consumer trust in A2P messaging.

“We welcome, and actively support, any initiative that promotes best practice within our industry. Fraud is a global problem which negatively affects stakeholders at all levels and tarnishes the image of A2P messaging. Being a launch signatory and official TEM badge holder demonstrates our continual commitment to ensuring the sustainability of the A2P messaging ecosystem,” says Dr Piet Streicher, co-founder and MD of BulkSMS.com.

According to MEF research, fraud is estimated to have cost the enterprise messaging ecosystem US$ 7.7bn in 2017. This represents a revenue leakage of up to 40% with fraudsters threatening to push both enterprises and consumers away from this powerful communication channel. Industry collaboration to combat this issue is essential to protect consumers from harm and assure trust in the messaging value chain.

MEF’s COO Joanne Lacey says, “The launch of Trust in Enterprise Messaging is the result of three years of collaboration via the fraud management working group of our Future of Messaging Programme which brings together competitors and customers to develop industry solutions that tackle fraud.”

​The Code of Conduct sets out best practice for all actors operating in the A2P SMS sector and is based on 10 principles offering guidance on commercial, procedural and technical requirements and emphasises consumer protection. The Code was developed by more than 30 participants of the MEF’s Future of Messaging Programme that include MNOs Telephonica, Telenor and Vodafone, A2P messaging companies and other carrier service providers.

​Lacey goes on to say that, “we encourage all messaging stakeholders to get involved and to sign up to the Code and urge enterprises to recognise the proactive leadership of TEM badge holders to accelerate the adoption of best practice and actively reduce the impact of fraud in this key growth area of the mobile ecosystem.”

​Click on the following link to find out more about the Trust in Enterprise Messaging Programme and the A2P SMS Code of Conduct.

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