How does A2P messaging work?

Popular A2P examples include critical alerts, automatic online booking confirmations, marketing efforts and real-time notifications.

Step 1: Application Initiation:

A2P messaging begins when an application triggers a message based on a specific event or action. This could be a transaction confirmation, a marketing message, or an alert notification.

Step 2: Message Routing:

The message is then routed to an SMS gateway, which serves as an intermediary between the application and the Mobile Service Provider.

Step 3: Message Delivery:

The formatted message is delivered to the recipient’s mobile phone through the Mobile Service Provider’s network.

Step 4: Message Display:

Once the message is received, the recipient’s phone displays it to the user. This could be a simple text message, a multimedia message, or a notification from a messaging app.

The process involved in sending an A2P SMS message is very similar to that of sending a P2P (person-to-person) SMS message. The key difference between the two is that the SMS message is now being sent from an application rather than from a mobile phone.